Time To Aerate

After a long summer of mowing, watering, and feeding your lawn, fall may feel like the time to scale back your turf care efforts. On the contrary, the steps you take to help your lawn this fall can be the most worthwhile in the long run.

Aeration greatly helps this process along by relieving soil compaction, controlling thatch build-up, and opening the soil to allow air, water, and fertilizer to better reach the roots of your lawn. The process is simple. A specialized machine punches thousands of holes into the surface of your lawn, making it easier for water and nutrients to reach your turf’s roots.

The winter months give your turf a chance to build stronger, thicker root systems. It might seem like your grass is sleeping, but it’s really hard at work below the soil. Aeration opens up valuable space that allows roots to expand over the dormant season, preparing your lawn for a vigorous spring.

Munie is currently offering aeration service, so give us a call and do your lawn a favor!